SCSI: DB-25 Serial Ports: 2 Sound Output: stereo 16 bit. ADB: 1 Ethernet: AAUI, 10baseT Machine Gestalt ID: 68 PRAM Battery: 3.6V lithium (Maxell ER3S, Radio Shack 23-026) Minutiae: Install a NewerTECH MAXpowr G3 and have one of the fastest Power Mac systems anywhere. For minimum bucks you’ll gain maximum speed. GURU has more details in the MAXpowr G3 pane in the Power Macintosh pull down menu. Available in Japan only. Upgraded with one DIMM at a time. Can interleave memory for approximately 10-30% faster RAM access. Although you will not derive any performance benefits by using EDO DIMMs, they can be used in this machine. The part numbers in the GURU ram configuration table are for FPG, not EDO, DIMMs. Serial Port with the phone icon supports synchronous modems, with handshaking on both output and input supported. Has 4MB ROM and a 1.44MB SuperDrive.